Daily Usenet report for news.samoylyk.net

Oct 26 04:15:01 -- Oct 27 04:15:02

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
nnrpd 90244 49.6%10.3 MB 38.5%
innfeed 43133 23.7%5.4 MB 20.1%
innd 29180 16.0%3.8 MB 14.1%
inn 19426 10.7%7.3 MB 27.3%
thermald 6 0.0%0.6 KB 0.0%
controlchan 3 0.0%0.4 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 6 181992 100.0%26.7 MB100.0%

History cache:

Positive hits 403192 73.0%
Negative hits 109438 19.8%
Cache misses 20709 3.8%
Do not exist 18770 3.4%
TOTAL: 4 552109 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article cancel00:00:00.052 0.0%34 0.000 1.529 19.000
article cleanup00:00:00.276 0.0%18849 0.000 0.015 0.271
article logging00:00:00.599 0.0%19288 0.000 0.031 0.187
article parse00:00:00.676 0.0%75192 0.000 0.009 0.041
article write00:00:07.621 0.0%15460 0.140 0.493 6.427
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.000 0.0%34 0.000 0.000 0.000
artlog/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%1 0.000 0.000 0.000
data move00:00:00.316 0.0%534650 0.000 0.001 0.008
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:00.008 0.0%33 0.000 0.242 1.500
hishave/artcncl00:00:00.001 0.0%34 0.000 0.029 0.250
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup00:00:05.610 0.0%553931 0.001 0.010 0.128
history sync00:00:00.023 0.0%327 0.000 0.070 0.667
history write00:00:04.132 0.0%18841 0.028 0.219 1.495
hiswrite/artcncl00:00:00.000 0.0%1 0.000 0.000 0.000
idle23:47:58.613 99.8%501323 85.727 170.905 507.861
nntp read00:00:05.683 0.0%549631 0.005 0.010 0.018
overview write00:00:05.015 0.0%15460 0.048 0.324 5.640
perl filter00:00:41.085 0.0%18840 1.188 2.181 11.800
python filter00:00:00.007 0.0%18840 0.000 0.000 0.011
site send00:00:00.676 0.0%30920 0.000 0.022 0.059
TOTAL: 23:50:28.09723:49:10.393 99.9%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.084 0.0%39972 0.000 0.002 0.032
article prepare00:00:00.022 0.0%127731 0.000 0.000 0.004
article read00:00:01.574 0.0%16201 0.016 0.097 0.833
backlog stats00:00:01.816 0.0%752898 0.000 0.002 0.012
callbacks00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data read00:00:06.317 0.0%535711 0.005 0.012 0.019
data write00:00:09.201 0.0%524665 0.011 0.018 0.040
idle23:51:56.906 99.9%752898 65.840 114.115 336.791
status file00:00:47.711 0.1%16221 1.000 2.941 4.839
TOTAL: 23:53:35.66923:53:03.631100.0%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
idle95:15:04.183 99.6%145964 23.500 2349.238600377.667
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:00:07.087 0.0%294158 0.000 0.024 4.818
readart00:00:21.402 0.0%8764 0.000 2.442 77.000
TOTAL: 95:35:31.20295:15:32.672 99.7%----

Control commands to INND:

flush 4
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
lowmark 1
mode 147
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
TOTAL: 11 168

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1news-out.aioe.org 6 14600 6147 8088 365 42%23:00:20
2samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 6 30947 2521 28185 241 8%51:07:29
3news.muarf.org 2 7848 1711 6133 4 21%25:03:57
4newsfeed.neva.ru 152 43228 888 41928 412 2%70:36:56
5samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 1155 59089 511 58305 273 0%94:44:26
6samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 2 10152 470 9529 153 4%28:54:42
7news.swapon.de 14 1226 440 784 2 35%21:12:09
8newsfeeds.xmission.com 2 21819 411 21407 1 1%34:25:33
9usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 11 13767 291 13476 0 2%22:25:55
10feed-out.gegeweb.org 3 2584 290 2253 41 11%15:12:17
11news.fcku.it 12 1567 223 1337 7 14%19:02:59
12news.freedyn.net 17 9276 208 9054 14 2%17:23:59
13csiph.com 2 6869 206 6658 5 2%12:08:05
142001:41d0:2:2cb6::1 0 8562 136 8366 60 1%12:49:34
15samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 866 31279 122 29501 1656 0%71:11:07
16newsfeed.xs3.de 3 13802 45 13757 0 0%23:59:42
17nntp.alphanet.ch 23 11757 37 11720 0 0%22:57:20
18samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net 5 15038 28 14937 73 0%21:39:20
19news.neodome.net 3 3405 20 3375 10 0%08:25:47
20samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 3 13744 6 13736 2 0%23:59:53
21news.bbs.nz 3 12305 5 12300 0 0%23:59:50
22newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 3 1885 4 1881 0 0%04:21:16
23i2pn.org 2 626 2 624 0 0%01:46:34
24hugayda.aid.in.ua 6 425 2 423 0 0%09:16:51
25news.tomockey.net 2 16340 2 16332 6 0%23:59:53
26paganini.bofh.team 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
27localhost 247 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
28news.theuse.net 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:10:00
29gothmog.csi.it 2213 22 0 22 0 0%23:21:06
30news.1d4.us 31 447 0 447 0 0%20:21:06
31news.cmpublishers.com 26 403 0 403 0 0%02:09:49
32peer.alt119.net 48 17799 0 17799 0 0%00:02:53
33kf5zxw.com 2 12298 0 12298 0 0%23:59:58
TOTAL: 33 4872 383109 14726 365058 3325 3%753:50:46
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1news-out.aioe.org15.5 MB6.0 KB797.4 KB16.3 MB 95%2.6 KB
2news.muarf.org11.3 MB0.0 KB200.9 KB11.5 MB 98%6.9 KB
3samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net8.2 MB0.0 KB1.7 MB9.8 MB 83%3.7 KB
4samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com6.9 MB0.0 KB33.0 MB39.9 MB 17%23.0 KB
5newsfeeds.xmission.com3.0 MB0.0 KB2.0 KB3.0 MB 99%7.4 KB
6csiph.com2.2 MB0.0 KB5.0 KB2.2 MB 99%10.9 KB
7samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org2.1 MB6.0 KB363.7 KB2.5 MB 85%4.0 KB
8newsfeed.neva.ru2.1 MB18.1 KB1.0 MB3.1 MB 66%2.5 KB
9samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net1.7 MB0.0 KB821.3 KB2.5 MB 67%3.3 KB
10news.swapon.de1.2 MB0.0 KB2.1 KB1.2 MB 99%2.7 KB
11feed-out.gegeweb.org1.0 MB6.1 KB273.2 KB1.3 MB 78%4.0 KB
12usenet.goja.nl.eu.org999.5 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB999.5 KB100%3.4 KB
13news.freedyn.net679.5 KB0.0 KB39.5 KB719.0 KB 94%3.2 KB
142001:41d0:2:2cb6::1486.2 KB0.0 KB98.0 KB584.2 KB 83%3.0 KB
15news.fcku.it362.4 KB0.0 KB61.3 KB423.7 KB 85%1.8 KB
16newsfeed.xs3.de172.7 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB172.7 KB100%3.8 KB
17samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net151.1 KB6.1 KB167.2 KB324.4 KB 46%3.2 KB
18news.neodome.net150.5 KB0.0 KB85.3 KB235.8 KB 63%7.9 KB
19samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net148.2 KB0.0 KB184.7 KB332.9 KB 44%41.6 KB
20news.tomockey.net114.4 KB6.1 KB205.6 KB326.1 KB 35%40.8 KB
21nntp.alphanet.ch94.5 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB94.5 KB100%2.6 KB
22news.bbs.nz8.8 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB8.8 KB100%1.8 KB
23hugayda.aid.in.ua8.7 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB8.7 KB100%4.4 KB
24newsfeed.pionier.net.pl7.3 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB7.3 KB100%1.8 KB
25i2pn.org2.7 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB2.7 KB100%1.3 KB
26paganini.bofh.team0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
27localhost0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
28news.theuse.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
29gothmog.csi.it0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
30news.1d4.us0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
31news.cmpublishers.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
32peer.alt119.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
33kf5zxw.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 3358.5 MB48.4 KB38.9 MB97.4 MB 60%5.5 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Oct 26 04:15:01 - 04:59:59 250 1.6% 0.092.0 MB 3.3% 0.76
Oct 26 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 245 1.6% 0.071.2 MB 2.0% 0.35
Oct 26 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 330 2.1% 0.093.4 MB 5.5% 0.96
Oct 26 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 347 2.2% 0.103.5 MB 5.7% 0.99
Oct 26 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 480 3.1% 0.131.9 MB 3.0% 0.53
Oct 26 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 622 4.0% 0.172.0 MB 3.2% 0.56
Oct 26 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 711 4.6% 0.202.3 MB 3.8% 0.66
Oct 26 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 824 5.3% 0.232.9 MB 4.7% 0.81
Oct 26 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 785 5.0% 0.223.2 MB 5.2% 0.91
Oct 26 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 773 5.0% 0.213.2 MB 5.2% 0.90
Oct 26 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 747 4.8% 0.212.6 MB 4.2% 0.74
Oct 26 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 915 5.9% 0.254.1 MB 6.7% 1.16
Oct 26 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 898 5.8% 0.253.3 MB 5.4% 0.93
Oct 26 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 1009 6.5% 0.283.7 MB 6.1% 1.06
Oct 26 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 1035 6.7% 0.293.6 MB 5.9% 1.03
Oct 26 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 813 5.2% 0.232.9 MB 4.8% 0.84
Oct 26 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 885 5.7% 0.252.7 MB 4.4% 0.77
Oct 26 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 814 5.2% 0.232.4 MB 3.9% 0.68
Oct 26 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 726 4.7% 0.202.3 MB 3.8% 0.66
Oct 26 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 638 4.1% 0.181.8 MB 3.0% 0.52
Oct 27 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 507 3.3% 0.141.6 MB 2.6% 0.46
Oct 27 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 452 2.9% 0.131.4 MB 2.3% 0.40
Oct 27 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 389 2.5% 0.112.2 MB 3.5% 0.62
Oct 27 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 297 1.9% 0.08873.6 KB 1.4% 0.24
Oct 27 04:00:00 - 04:15:02 70 0.4% 0.08193.7 KB 0.3% 0.21
TOTAL: 24:00:01 15562 100.0% 0.1861.1 MB 100.0% 0.72
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 1641 57 0 0 2 0 0 0 1582
2news-out.aioe.org 480 150 0 1 0 0 0 0 329
3newsfeed.neva.ru 418 89 0 3 0 0 0 0 326
4samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 321 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 311
5samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 315 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 207
6samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 258 57 0 0 1 0 0 0 200
7news.swapon.de 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97
8news.neodome.net 82 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 76
9samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net 78 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 76
10feed-out.gegeweb.org 66 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 65
11newsfeeds.xmission.com 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
12newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
13news.tomockey.net 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9
14news.fcku.it 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
15news.muarf.org 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
16news.freedyn.net 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
17csiph.com 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
18paganini.bofh.team 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
19usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
20kf5zxw.com 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
21newsfeed.xs3.de 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
22i2pn.org 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
23samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
242001:41d0:2:2cb6::1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
TOTAL: 24 3830 486 0 9 3 0 0 0 3332

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

lada.talk 85
alt.computer.workshop 56
it-alt.sport.calcio.juventus 37
scinet.stats 31
alt.language.telugu 16
alt.windows7.general 14
spline.eisfair 13
alt.computer.consultant 13
free.it.religioni.scientology 12
alt.language.telugu.literature 11
mozilla.support.firefox 11
alt.survival 11
lada.auto 10
spline.eisfair.dev 9
alt.job 8
fido7.ru.android 8
alt.politics 7
mozilla.support.seamonkey 7
soc.culture.telugu 7
alt.testing 7
TOTAL: 75 486

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

uk.legal.moderated 3
TOTAL: 1 3

INND Perl filter [Top 20]:

EMP (md5) 2402
EMP (phn path) 164
EMP (phl) 143
Too many newsgroups 76
EMP (phn nph) 67
User-issued spam cancel 16
HTML Multipart 11
Too many newsgroups (meow) 8
User-issued cancel 4
TOTAL: 9 2891

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Bad Message-ID's offered
samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 60
samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 18
TOTAL: 2 78
Including strange strings
samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 184
news-out.aioe.org 109
news.swapon.de 95
samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 32
newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 10
newsfeed.neva.ru 5
usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 3
samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 1
news.neodome.net 1
TOTAL: 9 440
No colon-space in header
samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 1
TOTAL: 1 1
TOTAL: 3 519

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1news.1d4.us 15525 15439 15 65 1 2 99%23:55:26
2paganini.bofh.team 18731 6266 8752 9 0 2088 33%23:49:44
3kf5zxw.com 23473 3470 11541 16 0 27 14%23:50:35
4pionier.net.pl 20372 1521 13614 263 0 4 7%23:55:25
5news.tomockey.net 26377 1054 14039 1 0 58 3%23:53:32
6alphanet.ch 19059 707 14266 107 0 862 3%23:55:25
7news.freedyn.net 21479 665 15490 14 1 20465 3%23:58:34
8news.theuse.net 19487 371 15055 3 0 4 1%23:55:25
9news.neodome.net 16380 223 14681 0 0 2 1%23:55:25
10erje.net 21613 163 13583 606 0 3 0%23:55:27
11newsfeed.xs3.de 16716 112 14807 7 0 2 0%23:55:25
12alt119.net 16150 101 15018 384 0 12 0%23:55:25
13news.muarf.org 6072 84 5815 0 0 0 1%23:55:25
14usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 15522 55 15074 30 0 6 0%23:55:25
15news.bbs.nz 28813 53 15007 17 0 77 0%23:55:27
16gothmog.csi.it 3119 42 2760 2 0 0 1%23:52:20
17xmission 24873 36 14599 1 0 34 0%23:55:27
18i2pn.org 26087 21 14800 2 0 13 0%23:55:25
19news.cmpublishers.com 27600 20 14805 148 0 41 0%23:55:27
20news.szaf.org 8325 19 8156 0 0 0 0%23:55:25
21mb-net.net 15928 15 14968 2 0 2 0%23:55:25
22uzoreto.com 14853 13 14662 14 0 2 0%23:55:25
23aid.in.ua 946 12 921 2 0 0 1%21:15:13
24tnetconsulting.net 25599 6 15072 0 0 30 0%23:55:27
25gegeweb.org 4097 5 3927 0 0 0 0%23:55:25
26csiph.com 25511 4 15071 0 0 17 0%23:55:26
27neva.ru 14505 3 14331 47 0 2 0%23:55:25
28aioe.org 8537 1 8069 0 0 0 0%23:55:25
29news.swapon.de 937 0 929 0 0 0 0%22:57:14
30news.fcku.it 14991 0 14767 8 0 2 0%23:55:25
31news.albasani.net 0 0 0 0 0 15080 0%23:55:25
32weretis.net 12483 0 12345 0 0 1 0%23:55:25
TOTAL: 32 514160 30481 356939 1748 2 38836 5%761:42:49
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1news.1d4.us60.6 MB262.5 KB60.9 MB0.7 KB/s4.0 KB23:55:26
2paganini.bofh.team20.3 MB24.8 KB20.3 MB0.2 KB/s3.3 KB23:49:44
3news.neodome.net15.3 MB0.0 KB15.3 MB0.2 KB/s70.3 KB23:55:25
4news.theuse.net13.1 MB63.8 KB13.1 MB0.2 KB/s35.9 KB23:55:25
5pionier.net.pl12.9 MB1.6 MB14.5 MB0.2 KB/s8.3 KB23:55:25
6kf5zxw.com12.5 MB28.1 KB12.5 MB0.1 KB/s3.7 KB23:50:35
7news.tomockey.net12.2 MB4.5 KB12.2 MB0.1 KB/s11.8 KB23:53:32
8news.freedyn.net3.4 MB20.5 KB3.4 MB0.0 KB/s5.1 KB23:58:34
9alphanet.ch2.2 MB368.9 KB2.5 MB0.0 KB/s3.2 KB23:55:25
10alt119.net1.4 MB4.3 MB5.7 MB0.1 KB/s12.0 KB23:55:25
11news.muarf.org980.2 KB0.0 KB980.2 KB0.0 KB/s11.7 KB23:55:25
12newsfeed.xs3.de816.4 KB236.8 KB1.0 MB0.0 KB/s8.9 KB23:55:25
13neva.ru506.6 KB4.4 MB4.9 MB0.1 KB/s100.3 KB23:55:25
14usenet.goja.nl.eu.org471.3 KB133.9 KB605.2 KB0.0 KB/s7.1 KB23:55:25
15gegeweb.org434.1 KB0.0 KB434.1 KB0.0 KB/s86.8 KB23:55:25
16erje.net406.7 KB1.7 MB2.1 MB0.0 KB/s2.8 KB23:55:27
17gothmog.csi.it255.4 KB11.4 KB266.8 KB0.0 KB/s6.1 KB23:52:20
18xmission181.6 KB1.4 KB182.9 KB0.0 KB/s4.9 KB23:55:27
19news.bbs.nz142.3 KB139.0 KB281.3 KB0.0 KB/s4.0 KB23:55:27
20mb-net.net130.4 KB152.1 KB282.5 KB0.0 KB/s16.6 KB23:55:25
21uzoreto.com122.5 KB138.5 KB260.9 KB0.0 KB/s9.7 KB23:55:25
22i2pn.org83.3 KB4.2 KB87.4 KB0.0 KB/s3.8 KB23:55:25
23news.szaf.org76.7 KB0.0 KB76.7 KB0.0 KB/s4.0 KB23:55:25
24news.cmpublishers.com72.0 KB1.6 MB1.7 MB0.0 KB/s10.3 KB23:55:27
25aid.in.ua25.7 KB26.9 KB52.6 KB0.0 KB/s3.8 KB21:15:13
26tnetconsulting.net14.9 KB0.0 KB14.9 KB0.0 KB/s2.5 KB23:55:27
27csiph.com8.6 KB0.0 KB8.6 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:55:26
28aioe.org1.2 KB0.0 KB1.2 KB0.0 KB/s1.2 KB23:55:25
29news.swapon.de0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s022:57:14
30news.fcku.it0.0 KB127.1 KB127.1 KB0.0 KB/s15.9 KB23:55:25
31news.albasani.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:55:25
32weretis.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:55:25
TOTAL: 32158.3 MB15.4 MB173.7 MB0.1 KB/s5.5 KB761:42:49
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

NNRP readership statistics:

12001:470:4b:6eb::11 7 3864.4 MB 84 0 007:59:54
2bras-base-mtrlpq2320w-grc-01-184-146-239-149.dsl.bell.ca 540 26252.1 KB 22 0 004:16:32
3bras-base-mtrlpq2320w-grc-01-184-146-236-253.dsl.bell.ca 60 24.1 KB 2 0 000:27:24
491-113-39-125.adsl.highway.telekom.at 4 24.9 KB 2 0 000:00:18
TOTAL: 4 611 4164.7 MB 110 0 095:35:11

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1? 705 3864.4 MB 84 0 047:24:14
2*.dsl.bell.ca 600 28256.3 KB 24 0 004:43:56
3*.adsl.highway.telekom.at 4 24.9 KB 2 0 000:00:18
4*.cable.dynamic.v6.surfer.at 2 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:00
5*.bofh.team1578 00.0 KB 0 0 000:12:43
6*.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net 706 00.0 KB 0 0 000:04:50
7*.public.telering.at 2 00.0 KB 0 0 001:00:03
8*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 7 00.0 KB 0 0 000:33:59
9*.security.ipip.net 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:01
10unresolved 61 00.0 KB 0 0 008:34:24
11*.business.telecomitalia.it 60 00.0 KB 0 0 033:00:40
TOTAL: 113726 4164.7 MB 110 0 095:35:11

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

localhost 22.573 2.889 0.00037:08:08
host-188-11-149-41.business.telecomitalia.it 7.420 1.152 0.00033:00:40 5.956 0.927 0.00008:33:40
2001:470:4b:6eb::11 2.668 2.806 0.00007:59:54
bras-base-mtrlpq2320w-grc-01-184-146-239-149.dsl.bell.ca 70.724 15.491 0.00004:16:32
2001:1b48:203::1:1001 0.108 0.022 0.00001:16:00
213142096171.public.telering.at 0.249 0.059 0.00001:00:03
2001:1b48:203::1:1000 0.090 0.027 0.00000:56:00
p5080ee59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 0.677 0.104 0.00000:33:48
bras-base-mtrlpq2320w-grc-01-184-146-236-253.dsl.bell.ca 8.324 1.778 0.00000:27:24
paganini.bofh.team 212.705 34.028 0.00000:12:43
tunnel508563-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net 91.811 14.357 0.00000:04:50
2001:41d0:2:2cb6::1 63.636 10.308 0.00000:04:10 0.132 0.004 0.00000:00:22
91-113-39-125.adsl.highway.telekom.at 0.662 0.052 0.00000:00:18 0.200 0.040 0.00000:00:10 0.146 0.008 0.00000:00:09
p5dd75d3c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 0.130 0.033 0.00000:00:07
p200300e34730f049c53056c3026eb266.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 0.241 0.008 0.00000:00:03 0.450 0.051 0.00000:00:01
TOTAL: 21 489.012 84.156 0.00095:35:11

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

paganini.bofh.team 1578
tunnel508563-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net 706
2001:41d0:2:2cb6::1 474
localhost 222
host-188-11-149-41.business.telecomitalia.it 60 53
p5080ee59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 5 4
2a02-8389-01c1-5580-0121-0f36-8823-3da3.cable.dynamic.v6.surfer.at 2
213142096171.public.telering.at 2 2
2001:1b48:203::1:1000 1
p200300e34730f049c53056c3026eb266.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 1 1
p5dd75d3c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 1
2001:1b48:203::1:1001 1 1
scan-141.security.ipip.net 1
TOTAL: 18 3115

NNRP unrecognized commands (by host):

scan-141.security.ipip.net 4 2
TOTAL: 2 6

NNRP unrecognized commands (by command):

#003 2
GET / HTTP/1.1 1
User-Agent: HTTP Banner Detection (https... 1
Host: 1
Connection: close 1
TOTAL: 5 6

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

host-188-11-149-41.business.telecomitalia.it 66 0
213142096171.public.telering.at 2 0 2 2
2001:1b48:203::1:1000 1 0
2001:1b48:203::1:1001 1 0
TOTAL: 5 72 2

Newsgroup request counts (by category):

1alt 391 97.0%
2uk 4 1.0%
3ger 2 0.5%
4aioe 2 0.5%
5can 2 0.5%
6ca 1 0.2%
7misc 1 0.2%
TOTAL: 7 403100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1alt.binaries.ftd 238
2alt.binaries.nospam.breasts.natural 17
3alt.arts.poetry.comments 16
4alt.binaries.e-book 15
5alt.binaries.pictures.earlmiller 12
6alt.binaries.mac.osx.apps 7
7alt.checkmate 7
8alt.binaries.mma 6
9alt.atheism 6
10alt.binaries.movies.thelostmovies 5
11alt.binaries.pictures.e 4
12alt.binaries.pictures.aviation 4
13alt.binaries.nospam.female.bodyhair 3
14alt.binaries.mp3.audiobooks 3
15alt.binaries.e-book.flood 3
16alt.binaries.erotica.collections.rars 3
17alt.binaries.humor.skewed 3
18alt.anonymous.messages 3
19can.politics 2
20alt.alt.test 2
21alt.bestjobsusa.computer.jobs 2
22alt.binaries.nospam.multimedia.facials 2
23alt.binaries.pictures.celebrities 2
24alt.politics.republicans 2
25alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.latex 2
26alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica 2
27alt.binaries.e-books 2
28alt.binaries.howard-stern 2
29alt.politics.democrats 2
30ger.ct 2
31aioe.news.nocem 2
32alt.gossip.celebrities 2
33alt.politics.org.un 2
34alt.angst 1
35alt.binaries.3d.poser 1
36alt.binaries.drwho 1
37alt.bible.prophecy 1
38alt.binaries.clip-art 1
39uk.d-i-y 1
40alt.binaries.multimedia.bdsm 1
41alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.high-heels 1
42uk.legal 1
43ca.politics 1
44alt.politics.trump 1
45alt.binaries.multimedia.vintage-film 1
46misc.phone.mobile.iphone 1
47alt.alt 1
48alt.appalachian 1
49uk.tech.broadcast 1
50uk.rec.motorcycles 1
51alt.society.liberalism 1
TOTAL: 51 403