Daily Usenet report for news.samoylyk.net

Feb 25 04:15:02 -- Feb 26 04:15:02

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
innd 26319 51.5%3.3 MB 28.4%
inn 18154 35.5%7.2 MB 61.6%
innfeed 6462 12.6%1.2 MB 9.9%
nnrpd 193 0.4%19.2 KB 0.2%
controlchan 1 0.0%0.1 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 5 51129 100.0%11.7 MB100.0%

History cache:

Positive hits 377979 71.7%
Negative hits 131029 24.9%
Do not exist 17752 3.4%
Cache misses 137 0.0%
TOTAL: 4 526897 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article cancel00:00:00.123 0.0%49 0.000 2.510 10.500
article cleanup00:00:00.923 0.0%17805 0.000 0.052 0.223
article logging00:00:02.716 0.0%18098 0.000 0.150 0.500
article parse00:00:01.195 0.0%26074 0.000 0.046 0.256
article write00:00:29.011 0.0%14353 1.407 2.021 6.578
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.001 0.0%49 0.000 0.020 0.500
artlog/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data move00:00:00.679 0.0%508591 0.000 0.001 0.005
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:00.010 0.0%33 0.000 0.303 2.000
hishave/artcncl00:00:00.005 0.0%49 0.000 0.102 2.000
hishave/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup00:00:04.635 0.0%528471 0.004 0.009 0.017
history sync00:00:00.189 0.0%389 0.000 0.486 5.000
history write00:00:06.983 0.0%17782 0.195 0.393 1.211
hiswrite/artcncl00:00:00.012 0.0%16 0.000 0.750 2.333
hiswrite/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
idle23:48:50.948 99.2%444340 100.421 192.940 929.700
nntp read00:00:20.314 0.0%511928 0.027 0.040 0.071
overview write00:00:21.176 0.0%14353 0.702 1.475 5.529
perl filter00:03:59.415 0.3%17782 9.518 13.464 23.634
python filter00:00:00.098 0.0%17782 0.000 0.006 0.082
site send00:01:12.744 0.1%28706 1.814 2.534 3.187
TOTAL: 24:00:58.65523:55:31.177 99.6%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.285 0.0%14619 0.000 0.019 0.160
article prepare00:00:00.011 0.0%32324 0.000 0.000 0.013
article read00:00:02.473 0.0%5224 0.000 0.473 24.812
backlog stats00:00:03.499 0.0%611912 0.003 0.006 0.016
callbacks00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data read00:00:10.831 0.0%461006 0.014 0.023 0.072
data write00:05:22.113 0.4%448581 0.510 0.718 1.109
idle23:47:59.673 99.5%611912 72.582 140.020 525.978
status file00:00:03.793 0.0%584 1.000 6.495 41.000
TOTAL: 23:54:56.61023:53:42.678 99.9%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
idle00:33:32.964 99.7%205 47.504 9819.337 64528.667
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:00:00.080 0.0%436 0.000 0.183 0.500
TOTAL: 00:33:39.92600:33:33.044 99.7%----

Control commands to INND:

flush 4
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
lowmark 1
mode 149
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
TOTAL: 11 170

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 1342 67422 2388 63880 1154 3%110:49:08
2samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 4 39012 2192 36689 131 5%59:35:18
3i2pn.org 2 15800 2088 13700 12 13%22:44:11
4news-out.aioe.org 3 14375 1839 12348 188 12%24:08:52
5news.freedyn.de 2 8327 1701 6448 178 20%23:59:55
6samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 864 17330 1428 14136 1766 8%71:09:06
7usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 12 15045 418 14595 32 2%23:41:27
8news.fcku.it 6 4213 391 3801 21 9%47:41:11
9paganini.bofh.team 2 18808 381 18089 338 2%25:09:07
10news.swapon.de 12 1228 334 894 0 27%23:47:54
11feed-out.gegeweb.org 2 3306 246 3037 23 7%23:59:41
12samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 2 9172 230 8882 60 2%23:59:53
13nntp.terraraq.uk 1 12237 129 12094 14 1%23:59:53
14samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net 5 16522 99 16339 84 0%23:59:45
15nntp.alphanet.ch 31 11117 91 11016 10 0%23:54:49
16news.neodome.net 2 16025 84 15854 87 0%23:59:56
17newsfeed-ipv6.pionier.net.pl 3 11380 65 11282 33 0%24:09:25
18newsfeed.xs3.de 1 13878 56 13820 2 0%23:59:55
19newsfeeds.xmission.com 2 13888 48 13840 0 0%23:59:36
20samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 1 14103 19 14084 0 0%23:59:53
21news.quux.org 1 14147 9 14132 6 0%23:59:52
22csiph.com 1 14056 8 14047 1 0%23:18:51
23hugayda.aid.in.ua 4 1554 8 1546 0 0%24:44:37
24news.niel.me 2 4730 5 4722 3 0%23:59:49
25news.nntp4.net 2 8213 5 8183 25 0%23:58:56
26news.bbs.nz 5 10536 4 10528 4 0%19:39:12
27kf5zxw.com 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:10:15
28localhost 25 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
29news.tomockey.net 2 17204 0 17166 38 0%23:59:49
30gothmog.csi.it 1762 27 0 27 0 0%18:58:12
31news.1d4.us 1 14261 0 14261 0 0%24:48:07
32news.cmpublishers.com 24 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:14
TOTAL: 32 4129 407916 14266 389440 4210 3%880:26:49
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net15.0 MB1.4 KB677.6 KB15.6 MB 95%6.9 KB
2samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com8.5 MB0.0 KB10.1 MB18.6 MB 45%6.0 KB
3samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net6.7 MB0.0 KB862.4 KB7.6 MB 88%2.2 KB
4news.freedyn.de6.7 MB39.6 KB576.6 KB7.3 MB 91%4.0 KB
5i2pn.org6.3 MB3.1 KB50.4 KB6.3 MB 99%3.1 KB
6news-out.aioe.org4.3 MB0.0 KB443.4 KB4.7 MB 90%2.4 KB
7usenet.goja.nl.eu.org1.1 MB3.3 KB64.8 KB1.1 MB 94%2.6 KB
8paganini.bofh.team862.0 KB3.3 KB642.8 KB1.5 MB 57%2.1 KB
9news.swapon.de825.2 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB825.2 KB100%2.5 KB
10samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org632.2 KB2.7 KB202.2 KB837.2 KB 75%2.9 KB
11news.fcku.it601.3 KB0.0 KB171.3 KB772.6 KB 77%1.9 KB
12feed-out.gegeweb.org546.4 KB1.3 KB23.2 KB570.9 KB 95%2.1 KB
13nntp.terraraq.uk503.2 KB0.0 KB17.8 KB521.0 KB 96%3.6 KB
14news.neodome.net395.9 KB6.4 KB285.1 KB687.3 KB 57%4.0 KB
15newsfeed.xs3.de247.4 KB7.7 KB7.7 KB262.7 KB 94%4.5 KB
16newsfeed-ipv6.pionier.net.pl238.6 KB11.2 KB130.5 KB380.3 KB 62%3.9 KB
17samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net210.8 KB0.0 KB166.3 KB377.0 KB 55%2.1 KB
18nntp.alphanet.ch177.7 KB0.0 KB15.8 KB193.5 KB 91%1.9 KB
19news.quux.org120.9 KB14.9 KB14.9 KB150.7 KB 80%10.0 KB
20samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net94.2 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB94.2 KB100%5.0 KB
21newsfeeds.xmission.com63.9 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB63.9 KB100%1.3 KB
22hugayda.aid.in.ua44.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB44.0 KB100%5.5 KB
23news.nntp4.net15.6 KB0.0 KB277.3 KB292.9 KB 5%9.8 KB
24csiph.com11.0 KB3.0 KB3.0 KB17.1 KB 64%1.9 KB
25news.niel.me10.0 KB0.0 KB4.2 KB14.2 KB 70%1.8 KB
26news.bbs.nz4.7 KB7.6 KB7.6 KB19.9 KB 23%2.5 KB
27kf5zxw.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
28localhost0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
29news.tomockey.net0.0 KB0.0 KB380.4 KB380.4 KB 0%10.0 KB
30gothmog.csi.it0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
31news.1d4.us0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
32news.cmpublishers.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 3254.0 MB105.4 KB15.0 MB69.1 MB 78%3.8 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Feb 25 04:15:02 - 04:59:59 237 1.7% 0.09770.1 KB 1.4% 0.29
Feb 25 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 246 1.7% 0.07873.9 KB 1.5% 0.24
Feb 25 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 262 1.8% 0.071.3 MB 2.4% 0.38
Feb 25 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 320 2.2% 0.092.0 MB 3.6% 0.56
Feb 25 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 365 2.5% 0.101.5 MB 2.6% 0.42
Feb 25 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 541 3.8% 0.152.3 MB 4.1% 0.64
Feb 25 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 719 5.0% 0.202.2 MB 4.0% 0.64
Feb 25 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 713 5.0% 0.202.4 MB 4.4% 0.69
Feb 25 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 786 5.5% 0.222.8 MB 5.0% 0.79
Feb 25 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 750 5.2% 0.213.0 MB 5.4% 0.85
Feb 25 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 783 5.5% 0.222.1 MB 3.8% 0.60
Feb 25 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 886 6.2% 0.255.2 MB 9.4% 1.47
Feb 25 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 849 5.9% 0.243.2 MB 5.8% 0.91
Feb 25 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 706 4.9% 0.202.2 MB 4.0% 0.62
Feb 25 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 758 5.3% 0.212.3 MB 4.1% 0.65
Feb 25 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 868 6.0% 0.242.5 MB 4.5% 0.71
Feb 25 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 814 5.7% 0.233.5 MB 6.4% 1.01
Feb 25 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 798 5.6% 0.222.2 MB 3.9% 0.62
Feb 25 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 752 5.2% 0.212.3 MB 4.2% 0.66
Feb 25 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 608 4.2% 0.172.2 MB 3.9% 0.61
Feb 26 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 470 3.3% 0.132.2 MB 4.0% 0.63
Feb 26 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 441 3.1% 0.122.2 MB 4.0% 0.62
Feb 26 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 313 2.2% 0.092.2 MB 3.9% 0.62
Feb 26 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 282 2.0% 0.081.6 MB 2.8% 0.44
Feb 26 04:00:00 - 04:15:02 95 0.7% 0.11457.9 KB 0.8% 0.51
TOTAL: 24:00:00 14362 100.0% 0.1755.3 MB 100.0% 0.66
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 1774 22 0 0 1 0 0 0 1751
2samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 417 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 396
3paganini.bofh.team 338 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 334
4news-out.aioe.org 192 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 177
5news.freedyn.de 181 15 0 1 0 0 0 0 165
6news.swapon.de 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156
7samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 142 19 0 1 0 0 0 0 122
8samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 124 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 122
9samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net 90 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 87
10news.neodome.net 87 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 83
11news.tomockey.net 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53
12newsfeed-ipv6.pionier.net.pl 40 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 37
13usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 36 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 35
14feed-out.gegeweb.org 26 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 25
15news.nntp4.net 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
16i2pn.org 25 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 15
17nntp.alphanet.ch 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
18nntp.terraraq.uk 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7
19news.quux.org 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
20news.bbs.nz 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
21news.niel.me 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
22hugayda.aid.in.ua 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
23news.fcku.it 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
24newsfeed.xs3.de 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
25csiph.com 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL: 25 3743 110 0 23 1 0 0 0 3609

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

alt.politics.usa 17
alt.job 15
alt.computer.workshop 14
alt.bbs.synchronet 11
alt.survival 6
alt.politics 5
it-alt.sport.calcio.juventus 4
alt.fetish 4
al.christnet.bible 3
alt.politics.republican 3
spline.eisfair 3
alt.culture.underwear 2
list.postfix.users 2
trollnet.cinema 2
alt.religion.christian.romman-catholic 2
wolfsburg.test 2
rocksolid.feeds.news 2
alt.religion.christian.catholic 1
ibm.software.network.directory-integrator 1
alt.economics 1
TOTAL: 30 110

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

alt.penthouse.sex.spanking 1
TOTAL: 1 1

INND Perl filter [Top 20]:

EMP (md5) 2393
EMP (phn path) 411
Too many newsgroups 228
EMP (phn nph) 201
User-issued cancel 54
Binary: misplaced binary 13
HTML Multipart 7
User-issued spam cancel 4
Excessive Supersedes ( 3
EMP (phl) 3
TOTAL: 10 3317

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Bad Message-ID's offered
samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 4
samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 1
TOTAL: 2 5
Including strange strings
news.swapon.de 156
samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 64
i2pn.org 12
samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 11
newsfeed-ipv6.pionier.net.pl 8
samoylyk-out.feed.uzoreto.com 8
samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net 6
paganini.bofh.team 4
usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 4
samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 4
TOTAL: 16 292
TOTAL: 2 297

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1pionier.net.pl 18051 1921 11940 434 0 0 10%23:59:48
2news.tomockey.net 24286 1678 12605 34 0 16 6%23:59:49
3news.1d4.us 24410 636 13725 0 0 29 2%23:59:49
4erje.net 16830 404 9906 1391 0 71 2%23:59:49
5news.neodome.net 14591 191 14038 1 0 0 1%23:59:47
6news.quux.org 22439 190 14144 0 0 10 0%23:59:49
7news.theuse.net 18106 180 13519 16 0 637 0%23:59:49
8alphanet.ch 16101 159 14056 134 0 16 0%23:59:49
9nntp.terraraq.uk 11327 139 11048 2 0 0 1%23:59:48
10gothmog.csi.it 2700 78 2492 19 0 0 2%23:51:35
11usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 14203 61 13839 27 0 12 0%23:59:49
12mb-net.net 16266 51 14192 4 0 0 0%23:59:49
13xmission 24523 42 14147 0 0 32 0%23:59:37
14newsfeed.xs3.de 14301 37 14150 19 0 0 0%23:59:01
15paganini.bofh.team 14107 27 13970 0 0 0 0%23:59:49
16news.bbs.nz 27959 27 14280 26 0 58 0%23:59:47
17news.niel.me 4932 27 4765 0 0 0 0%23:59:49
18news.nntp4.net 14810 23 14333 0 0 0 0%23:59:47
19tnetconsulting.net 24072 19 14328 0 0 22 0%23:59:49
20news.freedyn.de 12203 18 12135 0 0 0 0%23:59:49
21gegeweb.org 4587 14 4533 0 0 0 0%23:59:38
22news.szaf.org 8504 11 8414 8 0 0 0%23:59:49
23csiph.com 24383 9 14326 1 0 5 0%23:59:49
24i2pn.org 20556 8 11913 6 0 23 0%23:59:40
25aioe.org 11961 4 11784 0 0 0 0%23:59:31
26news.swapon.de 1005 1 999 0 0 0 0%22:57:23
27weretis.net 9768 1 9710 0 0 0 0%23:59:39
28uzoreto.com 12897 1 12756 0 0 0 0%23:59:49
29aid.in.ua 505 1 501 0 0 0 0%20:13:11
30feed.nemoweb.net 0 0 0 0 0 14362 0%23:59:49
31kf5zxw.com 0 0 0 0 0 14349 0%23:57:43
32news.cmpublishers.com 0 0 0 0 0 14253 0%23:59:49
33news.muarf.org 0 0 0 0 0 8044 0%23:59:49
34news.fcku.it 14151 0 14090 2 0 0 0%23:59:44
TOTAL: 34 444534 5958 336638 2124 0 51939 1%810:52:21
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1news.neodome.net14.1 MB5.0 KB14.1 MB0.2 KB/s75.0 KB23:59:47
2pionier.net.pl13.8 MB1.1 MB15.0 MB0.2 KB/s6.5 KB23:59:48
3news.tomockey.net10.9 MB60.7 KB10.9 MB0.1 KB/s6.5 KB23:59:49
4news.theuse.net8.6 MB36.9 KB8.7 MB0.1 KB/s45.3 KB23:59:49
5news.1d4.us4.0 MB0.0 KB4.0 MB0.0 KB/s6.5 KB23:59:49
6newsfeed.xs3.de2.3 MB53.0 KB2.3 MB0.0 KB/s42.6 KB23:59:01
7nntp.terraraq.uk2.1 MB4.6 KB2.1 MB0.0 KB/s15.3 KB23:59:48
8mb-net.net2.0 MB13.3 KB2.0 MB0.0 KB/s36.6 KB23:59:49
9alphanet.ch1.9 MB313.3 KB2.2 MB0.0 KB/s7.7 KB23:59:49
10news.quux.org1.8 MB0.0 KB1.8 MB0.0 KB/s9.9 KB23:59:49
11usenet.goja.nl.eu.org1.7 MB78.5 KB1.8 MB0.0 KB/s20.8 KB23:59:49
12news.nntp4.net1.7 MB0.0 KB1.7 MB0.0 KB/s74.3 KB23:59:47
13paganini.bofh.team1.6 MB0.0 KB1.6 MB0.0 KB/s59.8 KB23:59:49
14news.freedyn.de1.5 MB0.0 KB1.5 MB0.0 KB/s82.8 KB23:59:49
15xmission924.1 KB0.0 KB924.1 KB0.0 KB/s22.0 KB23:59:37
16erje.net756.0 KB4.2 MB5.0 MB0.1 KB/s2.8 KB23:59:49
17news.niel.me485.1 KB0.0 KB485.1 KB0.0 KB/s18.0 KB23:59:49
18gegeweb.org324.6 KB0.0 KB324.6 KB0.0 KB/s23.2 KB23:59:38
19gothmog.csi.it250.7 KB133.4 KB384.1 KB0.0 KB/s4.0 KB23:51:35
20tnetconsulting.net175.8 KB0.0 KB175.8 KB0.0 KB/s9.3 KB23:59:49
21news.bbs.nz67.0 KB98.8 KB165.8 KB0.0 KB/s3.1 KB23:59:47
22csiph.com21.3 KB100.3 KB121.6 KB0.0 KB/s12.2 KB23:59:49
23news.szaf.org17.3 KB15.5 KB32.8 KB0.0 KB/s1.7 KB23:59:49
24aioe.org16.0 KB0.0 KB16.0 KB0.0 KB/s4.0 KB23:59:31
25i2pn.org15.3 KB14.4 KB29.7 KB0.0 KB/s2.1 KB23:59:40
26news.swapon.de5.0 KB0.0 KB5.0 KB0.0 KB/s5.0 KB22:57:23
27aid.in.ua5.0 KB0.0 KB5.0 KB0.0 KB/s5.0 KB20:13:11
28weretis.net4.1 KB0.0 KB4.1 KB0.0 KB/s4.1 KB23:59:39
29uzoreto.com2.9 KB0.0 KB2.9 KB0.0 KB/s2.9 KB23:59:49
30feed.nemoweb.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:59:49
31kf5zxw.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:57:43
32news.cmpublishers.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:59:49
33news.muarf.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:59:49
34news.fcku.it0.0 KB104.4 KB104.4 KB0.0 KB/s52.2 KB23:59:44
TOTAL: 3470.9 MB6.4 MB77.3 MB0.0 KB/s9.8 KB810:52:21
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

NNRP readership statistics:

1134.122.134.141 2 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:13 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:10
3pd9e42044.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:06
4tor-exit-2.zbau.f3netze.de 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:02
5cn8092116104.pppoe.surfer.citynet.at 8 00.0 KB 0 0 000:33:07
TOTAL: 5 13 00.0 KB 0 0 000:33:39

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.zbau.f3netze.de 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:02
2unresolved 3 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:23
3*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:06
4*.pppoe.surfer.citynet.at 8 00.0 KB 0 0 000:33:07
TOTAL: 4 13 00.0 KB 0 0 000:33:39

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

cn8092116104.pppoe.surfer.citynet.at 0.594 0.942 0.00000:33:07 0.155 0.222 0.00000:00:13 0.072 0.081 0.00000:00:10
pd9e42044.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 0.114 0.147 0.00000:00:06
tor-exit-2.zbau.f3netze.de 0.085 0.070 0.00000:00:02
TOTAL: 5 1.020 1.462 0.00000:33:39

NNRP unrecognized commands (by host):

SystemConn 2
TOTAL: 1 2

NNRP unrecognized commands (by command):

#001 1
#026#003#001 1
TOTAL: 2 2

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

SystemConnPeer 1 1
TOTAL: 1 1 1