Daily Usenet report for news.samoylyk.net

Nov 22 04:15:04 -- Nov 23 04:15:05

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn 92385 58.3%17.5 MB 68.1%
innd 33042 20.8%4.0 MB 15.5%
nnrpd 22712 14.3%2.6 MB 10.3%
innfeed 7329 4.6%1.3 MB 5.1%
nnrpd-ssl 3014 1.9%246.8 KB 0.9%
controlchan 1 0.0%0.1 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 6 158483 100.0%25.6 MB100.0%

History cache:

Positive hits 1521124 63.8%
Negative hits 770500 32.3%
Do not exist 91816 3.8%
Cache misses 1449 0.1%
TOTAL: 4 2384889 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article cancel00:00:00.304 0.0%57 0.000 5.333 20.385
article cleanup00:00:05.406 0.0%92467 0.018 0.058 0.457
article logging00:00:14.033 0.0%92478 0.078 0.152 1.009
article parse00:00:09.269 0.0%234798 0.019 0.039 0.159
article write00:00:49.025 0.1%8840 1.000 5.546 56.243
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.000 0.0%3 0.000 0.000 0.000
data move00:00:08.218 0.0%2346961 0.001 0.004 0.015
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:00.022 0.0%60 0.000 0.367 1.077
hishave/artcncl00:00:00.000 0.0%3 0.000 0.000 0.000
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup00:01:13.146 0.1%2399167 0.008 0.030 0.356
history sync00:00:00.112 0.0%305 0.000 0.367 27.000
history write00:02:58.822 0.2%85965 0.233 2.080 40.119
idle23:12:26.016 96.7%1204932 45.253 69.337 160.308
nntp read00:02:11.574 0.2%2298877 0.039 0.057 0.106
overview write00:00:47.755 0.1%8840 0.525 5.402 145.000
perl filter00:03:59.102 0.3%23245 4.249 10.286 40.411
python filter00:00:00.180 0.0%23245 0.000 0.008 0.200
site send00:01:18.196 0.1%17680 2.317 4.423 15.848
TOTAL: 24:00:22.04623:26:21.180 97.6%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.245 0.0%9151 0.000 0.027 0.235
article prepare00:00:00.008 0.0%45496 0.000 0.000 0.005
article read00:00:04.839 0.0%6314 0.062 0.766 8.950
backlog stats00:00:04.791 0.0%257162 0.003 0.019 0.297
callbacks00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data read00:00:20.641 0.0%289037 0.012 0.071 0.370
data write00:05:35.408 0.4%283005 0.563 1.185 2.703
idle23:46:51.904 99.4%257162 142.936 332.910 859.393
status file00:00:13.102 0.0%682 3.000 19.211 620.000
TOTAL: 23:54:51.34723:53:10.938 99.9%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
hisgrep00:00:00.369 0.0%3030 0.079 0.122 0.175
idle00:58:09.744 19.3%16526 0.000 211.167 4341.000
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:06:53.140 2.3%13161744 0.000 0.031 32.667
readart00:00:00.003 0.0%4 0.667 0.750 1.000
TOTAL: 05:00:39.02601:05:03.256 21.6%----

Control commands to INND:

flush 4
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
lowmark 1
mode 147
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
TOTAL: 11 168

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 4 112650 1660 98445 12545 1%48:21:30
2samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 1440 178062 1625 167113 9324 0%118:41:44
3paganini.bofh.team 3 82604 930 79570 2104 1%24:32:15
4usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 13 76437 873 71524 4040 1%23:03:45
5newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 1 56439 729 52266 3444 1%23:43:07
6news.neodome.net 2 67419 486 49184 17749 0%23:52:49
7samoylyk-out.news.chmurka.net 2 28434 434 21425 6575 1%25:16:39
8newsfeed.xs3.de 3 61407 353 59902 1152 0%24:29:18
9samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 3 40336 341 36018 3977 0%23:59:53
10usenet.blueworldhosting.com 288 44750 276 33007 11467 0%23:44:09
11samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net 5 14456 216 13880 360 1%23:59:23
12nntp.comgw.net 2 79747 194 77980 1573 0%24:46:22
13i2pn.org 2 10000 137 9860 3 1%23:59:18
14newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 1 32413 131 32137 145 0%24:06:24
15feed-out.gegeweb.org 3 3276 129 3145 2 3%23:58:05
16nntp.terraraq.uk 2 25790 92 25666 32 0%45:52:48
17news.cgarbs.de 3 67396 67 66779 550 0%24:09:02
18news.swapon.de 1 15259 27 14618 614 0%23:20:04
19news.nntp4.net 3 39459 26 39191 242 0%24:09:00
20news.quux.org 4 52859 23 51805 1031 0%15:52:59
21news.niel.me 2 30201 19 30000 182 0%24:09:02
22newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com 2 65731 16 65088 627 0%23:50:12
23hugayda.aid.in.ua 2 8547 16 8388 143 0%07:28:41
24samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 1 11694 13 11653 28 0%23:59:52
25news.furie.org.uk 2 8620 5 8615 0 0%46:04:53
26newsfeeds.xmission.com 1 57082 4 57067 11 0%23:59:54
27news.1d4.us 1 77450 2 77184 264 0%23:07:41
28csiph.com 1 6878 2 6870 6 0%05:30:39
29news.bbs.nz 3 78837 2 78833 2 0%32:30:48
30news.tomockey.net 2 75066 1 69769 5296 0%22:18:19
31news.cmpublishers.com 25 10449 1 10418 30 0%24:00:06
32outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 2 64051 1 64031 19 0%23:59:55
33localhost 25 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
34gothmog.csi.it 1866 0 0 0 0 0%23:01:46
35newsfeed-ipv6.pionier.net.pl 2 0 0 0 0 0%00:10:01
TOTAL: 35 3722 1583799 88311491431 83537 0%918:10:23
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1paganini.bofh.team7.7 MB132.4 KB13.0 MB20.9 MB 36%7.0 KB
2samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net6.4 MB26.7 KB51.9 MB58.3 MB 10%5.5 KB
3samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net6.2 MB138.3 KB105.4 MB111.7 MB 5%8.1 KB
4news.neodome.net4.3 MB89.5 KB193.5 MB197.8 MB 2%11.1 KB
5samoylyk-out.news.chmurka.net3.7 MB3.5 KB144.7 MB148.4 MB 2%21.7 KB
6newsfeed.fu-berlin.de3.4 MB50.2 KB33.7 MB37.1 MB 9%9.1 KB
7usenet.goja.nl.eu.org3.1 MB28.6 KB29.3 MB32.4 MB 9%6.8 KB
8i2pn.org2.8 MB0.0 KB26.8 KB2.8 MB 99%20.4 KB
9samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org1.5 MB137.5 KB32.9 MB34.5 MB 4%8.2 KB
10newsfeed.xs3.de1.3 MB87.2 KB8.1 MB9.5 MB 13%6.5 KB
11feed-out.gegeweb.org1.1 MB96.2 KB0.8 KB1.2 MB 92%9.4 KB
12nntp.comgw.net1.1 MB86.4 KB11.0 MB12.2 MB 9%7.1 KB
13usenet.blueworldhosting.com774.6 KB135.4 KB83.2 MB84.1 MB 0%7.3 KB
14samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net593.3 KB0.0 KB529.2 KB1.1 MB 52%1.9 KB
15newsfeed.pionier.net.pl588.3 KB46.2 KB601.8 KB1.2 MB 47%4.5 KB
16nntp.terraraq.uk290.0 KB12.4 KB124.1 KB426.5 KB 67%3.4 KB
17news.cgarbs.de197.8 KB104.6 KB3.7 MB3.9 MB 4%6.5 KB
18news.nntp4.net191.6 KB122.4 KB1.3 MB1.6 MB 11%6.0 KB
19news.quux.org123.4 KB141.0 KB8.9 MB9.1 MB 1%8.9 KB
20news.niel.me103.0 KB30.1 KB1.7 MB1.8 MB 5%9.1 KB
21newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com58.4 KB91.0 KB3.0 MB3.1 MB 1%5.0 KB
22news.swapon.de55.4 KB22.9 KB4.4 MB4.4 MB 1%7.1 KB
23hugayda.aid.in.ua44.5 KB0.0 KB995.4 KB1.0 MB 4%6.5 KB
24newsfeeds.xmission.com42.0 KB111.2 KB25.1 KB178.3 KB 23%11.9 KB
25samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net34.5 KB0.0 KB78.7 KB113.2 KB 30%2.8 KB
26news.cmpublishers.com18.9 KB3.1 KB292.2 KB314.2 KB 6%10.1 KB
27news.furie.org.uk11.4 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB11.4 KB100%2.3 KB
28news.tomockey.net4.3 KB108.0 KB61.3 MB61.4 MB 0%11.9 KB
29csiph.com4.3 KB31.4 KB14.0 KB49.7 KB 8%6.2 KB
30outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se2.8 KB68.6 KB60.4 KB131.9 KB 2%6.6 KB
31news.1d4.us2.7 KB101.5 KB1.4 MB1.5 MB 0%5.7 KB
32news.bbs.nz2.6 KB13.7 KB2.4 KB18.7 KB 14%4.7 KB
33localhost0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
34gothmog.csi.it0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
35newsfeed-ipv6.pionier.net.pl0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 3545.5 MB2.0 MB795.0 MB842.4 MB 5%9.3 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Nov 22 04:15:04 - 04:59:59 139 1.6% 0.051.1 MB 2.4% 0.41
Nov 22 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 483 5.5% 0.131.9 MB 4.3% 0.54
Nov 22 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 228 2.6% 0.061.7 MB 3.8% 0.47
Nov 22 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 358 4.1% 0.102.0 MB 4.5% 0.56
Nov 22 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 255 2.9% 0.072.0 MB 4.6% 0.57
Nov 22 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 379 4.3% 0.112.2 MB 5.1% 0.64
Nov 22 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 427 4.8% 0.122.7 MB 6.1% 0.77
Nov 22 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 442 5.0% 0.122.4 MB 5.5% 0.69
Nov 22 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 340 3.8% 0.092.0 MB 4.5% 0.57
Nov 22 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 510 5.8% 0.142.2 MB 5.0% 0.62
Nov 22 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 435 4.9% 0.122.6 MB 5.9% 0.74
Nov 22 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 514 5.8% 0.142.4 MB 5.5% 0.70
Nov 22 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 484 5.5% 0.132.5 MB 5.6% 0.71
Nov 22 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 461 5.2% 0.132.3 MB 5.1% 0.65
Nov 22 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 417 4.7% 0.121.8 MB 4.1% 0.51
Nov 22 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 435 4.9% 0.121.8 MB 4.0% 0.50
Nov 22 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 397 4.5% 0.111.5 MB 3.4% 0.42
Nov 22 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 370 4.2% 0.101.3 MB 3.0% 0.37
Nov 22 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 388 4.4% 0.111.3 MB 3.0% 0.38
Nov 22 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 360 4.1% 0.101.4 MB 3.2% 0.40
Nov 23 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 296 3.3% 0.081.5 MB 3.4% 0.43
Nov 23 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 285 3.2% 0.081.1 MB 2.5% 0.32
Nov 23 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 171 1.9% 0.05988.9 KB 2.2% 0.27
Nov 23 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 214 2.4% 0.061.1 MB 2.5% 0.32
Nov 23 04:00:00 - 04:15:05 48 0.5% 0.05353.9 KB 0.8% 0.39
TOTAL: 24:00:01 8836 100.0% 0.1044.2 MB 100.0% 0.52
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1news.neodome.net 17806 387 0 10 0 016913 0 496
2samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 12530 0 0 10 0 011634 0 886
3usenet.blueworldhosting.com 11469 101 0 4 0 010539 0 825
4samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 9329 130 0 11 1 08023 0 1164
5samoylyk-out.news.chmurka.net 6393 1 0 1 0 0 89 0 6302
6news.tomockey.net 5390 0 0 15 0 05008 0 367
7usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 4115 6 0 5 0 03327 0 777
8samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 3978 0 0 8 0 03670 0 300
9newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 3451 7 0 9 0 02935 0 500
10paganini.bofh.team 2114 48 0 10 0 11751 0 304
11nntp.comgw.net 1512 0 0 5 0 0 516 0 991
12news.quux.org 1164 0 0 15 0 01144 0 5
13newsfeed.xs3.de 1139 9 0 7 0 01123 0 0
14news.swapon.de 597 0 0 3 0 0 485 0 109
15news.cgarbs.de 550 0 0 8 0 0 511 0 31
16newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com 538 217 0 5 0 0 309 0 7
17samoylyk-net-out.news.mb-net.net 360 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 355
18news.1d4.us 281 0 0 3 0 0 256 0 22
19news.nntp4.net 242 8 0 4 0 0 229 0 1
20news.niel.me 182 0 0 4 0 0 178 0 0
21newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 144 0 0 4 0 0 124 0 16
22hugayda.aid.in.ua 123 0 0 0 0 0 122 0 1
23news.cmpublishers.com 35 0 0 2 0 0 33 0 0
24nntp.terraraq.uk 20 1 0 3 0 0 13 0 3
25outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 19 1 0 6 0 0 12 0 0
26samoylyk-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 18 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 6
27newsfeeds.xmission.com 16 0 0 11 0 0 5 0 0
28csiph.com 14 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0
29newsfeed-ipv6.pionier.net.pl 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0
30news.bbs.nz 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
31i2pn.org 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
32feed-out.gegeweb.org 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
TOTAL: 32 83546 928 0 182 1 168965 013469

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

alt.computer.workshop 166
linux.kernel.netdev 122
kraft.politics 93
fido7.pushkin.local 71
kraft.talks 69
kraft.vehicles 62
kraft.competent 41
fido7.fidonet.online 39
fido7.ukrnews 35
odessa.news 30
kraft.food 28
perl.cpan 26
newsreader.test 13
kraft.blacklog 13
kraft.video 12
fido7.lorapvt.horo 12
fido7.f4441.robots 9
kraft.travel 9
fido7.nodex.tech 9
fido7.f715.techinfo 7
TOTAL: 47 928

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

uk.religion.christian 1
TOTAL: 1 1

Unwanted sites in Path header field [Top 20]:

google-groups.googlegroups.com 68965
TOTAL: 1 68965

INND Perl filter [Top 20]:

EMP (phn path) 4075
Too many newsgroups 2042
EMP (md5) 841
Binary: misplaced binary 178
User-issued cancel 18
Too many newsgroups (meow) 3
HTML Multipart 1
TOTAL: 7 7158

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Including strange strings
samoylyk-out.feeder.erje.net 4
samoylyk-out.news.weretis.net 4
samoylyk.feeds.news.szaf.org 1
usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 1
usenet.blueworldhosting.com 1
TOTAL: 5 11
TOTAL: 1 11

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1nyheter.lysator.liu.se 10386 3529 5216 83 0 2 33%23:57:58
2gothmog.csi.it 2576 1995 576 2 0 0 77%23:55:55
3nntp.terraraq.uk 7394 1683 4992 29 0 0 22%23:59:49
4news.bbs.nz 15538 1075 7529 213 0 41 6%23:59:44
5news.tomockey.net 14290 725 8048 28 0 27 5%23:54:58
6news.1d4.us 13648 502 8336 0 0 21 3%23:59:49
7pionier.net.pl 8905 402 8227 43 0 7 4%23:50:07
8i2pn.org 12553 293 7924 149 0 67 2%23:59:49
9news.cmpublishers.com 12780 57 8579 134 0 33 0%23:50:07
10news.furie.org.uk 3807 49 3223 0 0 0 1%23:59:49
11paganini.bofh.team 7654 42 7415 0 0 0 0%23:50:07
12news.endofthelinebbs.com 13585 36 8783 1 0 40 0%23:58:53
13nntp.comgw.net 8810 36 8596 0 0 8 0%24:00:17
14xmission 13027 35 8664 0 0 15 0%23:51:17
15csiph.com 13280 33 8788 0 0 24 0%23:59:49
16news.neodome.net 8549 29 8274 0 0 0 0%23:59:49
17newsfeed.xs3.de 8523 23 8434 0 0 0 0%23:54:54
18mb-net.net 8674 23 8572 0 0 0 0%23:59:46
19news.nntp4.net 8943 23 8785 0 0 0 0%24:08:11
20news.cgarbs.de 5618 19 5507 0 0 1 0%24:01:25
21news.quux.org 10797 17 8757 0 0 19 0%23:55:53
22news.niel.me 3829 14 3389 0 0 0 0%23:59:55
23usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 7900 10 7781 0 0 0 0%24:01:30
24gegeweb.org 3279 7 3259 0 0 0 0%23:50:07
25weretis.net 5197 7 5153 1 0 0 0%23:59:46
26usenet.blueworldhosting.com 10775 6 8288 0 0 8 0%23:56:19
27tnetconsulting.net 11961 4 8822 3 0 15 0%24:04:06
28news.chmurka.net 3395 1 3317 0 0 0 0%23:59:08
29news.muarf.org 0 0 0 0 0 4557 0%23:59:46
30erje.net 7126 0 6738 25 0 0 0%23:59:46
31news.swapon.de 1799 0 1788 0 0 0 0%23:27:38
32aioe.org 0 0 0 0 0 8250 0%23:59:46
33news.fcku.it 0 0 0 0 0 8819 0%23:57:43
34alt119.net 0 0 0 0 0 8836 0%23:57:41
35feed.nemoweb.net 0 0 0 0 0 8836 0%23:57:38
36kf5zxw.com 0 0 0 0 0 8794 0%23:50:02
37uzoreto.com 0 0 0 0 0 8769 0%23:50:02
38fu-berlin.de 7710 0 7710 0 0 0 0%24:03:11
39aid.in.ua 27 0 27 0 0 170 0%21:03:29
40news.szaf.org 5368 0 5345 1 0 0 0%23:50:07
TOTAL: 40 277703 10675 214842 712 0 57359 3%954:56:06
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1gothmog.csi.it25.2 MB3.1 KB25.2 MB0.3 KB/s12.9 KB23:55:55
2nyheter.lysator.liu.se17.6 MB1.1 MB18.7 MB0.2 KB/s5.3 KB23:57:58
3news.tomockey.net8.4 MB58.2 KB8.4 MB0.1 KB/s11.5 KB23:54:58
4news.bbs.nz4.4 MB1.5 MB5.9 MB0.1 KB/s4.7 KB23:59:44
5pionier.net.pl4.4 MB118.7 KB4.5 MB0.1 KB/s10.5 KB23:50:07
6nntp.terraraq.uk3.1 MB72.1 KB3.2 MB0.0 KB/s1.9 KB23:59:49
7news.1d4.us1.7 MB0.0 KB1.7 MB0.0 KB/s3.4 KB23:59:49
8i2pn.org1.4 MB739.5 KB2.1 MB0.0 KB/s4.8 KB23:59:49
9news.furie.org.uk894.7 KB0.0 KB894.7 KB0.0 KB/s18.3 KB23:59:49
10news.neodome.net707.2 KB0.0 KB707.2 KB0.0 KB/s24.4 KB23:59:49
11news.cmpublishers.com292.9 KB349.2 KB642.1 KB0.0 KB/s3.4 KB23:50:07
12news.niel.me144.4 KB0.0 KB144.4 KB0.0 KB/s10.3 KB23:59:55
13xmission139.1 KB0.0 KB139.1 KB0.0 KB/s4.0 KB23:51:17
14paganini.bofh.team130.9 KB0.0 KB130.9 KB0.0 KB/s3.1 KB23:50:07
15csiph.com114.5 KB0.0 KB114.5 KB0.0 KB/s3.5 KB23:59:49
16news.endofthelinebbs.com113.5 KB1.4 KB114.9 KB0.0 KB/s3.1 KB23:58:53
17nntp.comgw.net107.3 KB0.0 KB107.3 KB0.0 KB/s3.0 KB24:00:17
18newsfeed.xs3.de69.9 KB0.0 KB69.9 KB0.0 KB/s3.0 KB23:54:54
19news.nntp4.net66.9 KB0.0 KB66.9 KB0.0 KB/s2.9 KB24:08:11
20mb-net.net54.9 KB0.0 KB54.9 KB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB23:59:46
21news.cgarbs.de45.9 KB0.0 KB45.9 KB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB24:01:25
22news.quux.org41.5 KB0.0 KB41.5 KB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB23:55:53
23gegeweb.org36.2 KB0.0 KB36.2 KB0.0 KB/s5.2 KB23:50:07
24usenet.goja.nl.eu.org20.7 KB0.0 KB20.7 KB0.0 KB/s2.1 KB24:01:30
25tnetconsulting.net12.8 KB4.7 KB17.6 KB0.0 KB/s2.5 KB24:04:06
26weretis.net10.7 KB5.0 KB15.7 KB0.0 KB/s2.0 KB23:59:46
27usenet.blueworldhosting.com9.3 KB0.0 KB9.3 KB0.0 KB/s1.6 KB23:56:19
28news.chmurka.net1.7 KB0.0 KB1.7 KB0.0 KB/s1.7 KB23:59:08
29news.muarf.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:59:46
30erje.net0.0 KB72.3 KB72.3 KB0.0 KB/s2.9 KB23:59:46
31news.swapon.de0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:27:38
32aioe.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:59:46
33news.fcku.it0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:57:43
34alt119.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:57:41
35feed.nemoweb.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:57:38
36kf5zxw.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:50:02
37uzoreto.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:50:02
38fu-berlin.de0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s024:03:11
39aid.in.ua0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s021:03:29
40news.szaf.org0.0 KB2.0 KB2.0 KB0.0 KB/s2.0 KB23:50:07
TOTAL: 4069.1 MB4.0 MB73.1 MB0.0 KB/s6.6 KB954:56:06
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

NNRP readership statistics:

SystemConnArtsSizeGroupsPostRejElapsed 2 46.0 KB 3 0 001:19:33
TOTAL: 1 2 46.0 KB 3 0 004:58:51

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1unresolved 19 46.0 KB 3 0 003:11:35
2? 288 00.0 KB 0 0 000:23:32
3*.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net5318 00.0 KB 0 0 001:23:44
TOTAL: 35625 46.0 KB 3 0 004:58:51

NNRP auth users [Top 20]:

alexander@samoylyk.net 6
TOTAL: 1 6

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

SystemUser(ms)System(ms)Idle(ms)Elapsed 0.530 0.737 0.06701:34:17
static-47-190-124-28.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net 324.584 234.329 0.00001:23:44 0.427 0.389 0.17001:19:33
2a03:cfc0:8000:b::c303:dce8 41.214 66.400 0.00000:23:23 0.346 0.200 0.06400:12:51 1.403 1.080 0.00000:04:49
? 0.977 0.333 0.00000:00:09 0.338 0.115 0.00000:00:01 0.230 0.078 0.00000:00:01
TOTAL: 9 370.049 303.661 0.30104:58:51

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

static-47-190-124-28.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net 5318
2a03:cfc0:8000:b::c303:dce8 288 8 3 2 2 2
TOTAL: 7 5623

NNRP gethostbyaddr failures [Top 20]:

? (can't getpeername) 8
TOTAL: 1 8

NNRP unrecognized commands (by host) [Top 20]:

SystemConn 1
TOTAL: 1 1

NNRP unrecognized commands (by command) [Top 20]:

EHLO www.censys.io 1
TOTAL: 1 1

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

SystemConnPeer 2 2 1 2
TOTAL: 2 3 4

Newsgroup request counts (by hierarchy):

1news 3 75.0%
2fido7 1 25.0%
TOTAL: 2 4100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1news.admin.peering 3
2fido7.ru.unix.bsd 1
TOTAL: 2 4